Wednesday, September 12, 2018

One Year Ago...

Tomorrow, September 13th 2018, is your "Gotcha Day!" One year ago, we returned to beautiful Korea to welcome you, Boaz Gaon, into your forever family.

One year ago we began to bond with you... first in your own world...

We embraced you and your heritage...

Your birth city: Seoul, South Korea

And then it was time to fly to your new home in America!

You were excited to see your favorite Korean cartoon coloring book...

You slept 7 hours on the 14 hour plane ride!

You loved riding in mama's pack through the airports. 

Joyfully we welcomed you to our world...

We welcomed you into our family...

We welcomed you into our hearts! 

Happy "Gotcha Day!"
We L♡VE you, Boaz Gaon Schurter!!!


  1. Congratulations!
    You did a great job. Boaz looks so happy in your family.

  2. Congratulations! You all are a lovely family!
