Thursday, September 13, 2018

"Happy Gotcha Day, Boaz!!"

We decided to celebrate the day Boaz officially entered our family by camping out at Comlara Park on Lake Evergreen in Hudson, Illinois. Not only is the location about as picturesque as you can find in Central Illinois, but it's only 20 minutes from our door: a toddler parent's necessity.

Our campsite was right near the lake ... weather was perfect ... the kids enjoyed exploring before chili dogs and Smores (made with what Eden refers to as "Smashmellows": which is pretty much what hers look like when she's eating them...)

Outdoor air makes for good sleeping!! This little guy was the last one awake this morning! ♡

Enjoyed hardboiled eggs & oatmeal before Daddy surprised the kids with a box of donuts!!!!

Throwing rocks in the lake after breakfast makes for a great start to any kid's day... we're so glad you joined our crew,  Boaz!

[Print by Bumble & Bristle]


  1. so so sweet and it looks like you had a great time! Happy Gotcha Day!!

  2. How wonderful family you guys are! God bless all of you !!

  3. We love these pictures and that you seized the opportunity for a family campout. Wonderful way to celebrate being a family!
