Sunday, April 30, 2017

Creation Museum trip!!!

On April 23rd our family toured the Creation Museum in Kentucky. It was a terrific experience to walk through their unique displays and see God's amazing Word brought to life!

We took our 7, 6, 4 and 3 year olds. We arrived armed with water bottles, fruit snacks and our Onya kid carrier - by far, my favorite child carrier - as well as my brother's fiancée (a nursing student graduating this Spring from Cedar Hill University; 1 1/2 hrs. away from the museums) ... 'cause it never hurts to have more adults around, right?!

Monday morning was bright and shiny with perfect temperatures to walk the museum grounds. They have Botanical Gardens to walk through with lush folliage even in early Spring, and an outdoor petting zoo where we had the unique opportunity to ride a camel, named Gomer!

(I can see how some people could get seasick riding a camel for long periods of time; it is a very rolling up and down motion!)

There were a lot of dinosaurs! Their exhibits tell tales of knights fighting dinosaurs throughout history. We learned that Noah brought juvenile-sized dinosaurs onto the ark, so many of these dragon tales are historically accurate accounts of epic heroism in the days of wild beasts.

We ran into one of Answers In Genesis famed archeologist! Buddy Davis is a singer, songwriter and the sculptor of many of the dinosaur exhibits at the Creation Museum. 

Our children have watched several of his Amazing Adventure DVDs and were thrilled to meet him as we waited to enter the theater for his program! 

Buddy Davis is also a renown archeologist who was a member of one of the expedition teams searching for Noah's Ark, climbing Mt Ararat in Turkey! (They didn't find it. )

Scripture permeated every exhibit. The Creation Museum is a wonderful place to bring unsaved friends and family members who may be questioning the Authority of Scripture and even the existence of God. 

Visiting the museum was probably a little like going to Israel for Christians. I'm a visual learner, so seeing the talking/moving Bible characters, the amazing Bible history, and reading about the science behind all of creation, was very moving for me. 

 The Creation Museum helped deepen my faith and trust in our incredible Creator God! I certainly will never read my Bible in the same light again.

The museum grounds are beautiful and the entire place is very family-friendly. 
Outside food and drink is allowed everywhere, except in the theater and planetarium. We enjoyed our picnic lunch near the tower of the zip line course! 

Due to the ages/attention spans of our children, we skimmed through a lot of the scientific displays refuting evolution. The Answers in Genesis team do an excellent job proving the Truth of Intelligent Design and contrasting the lies of evolution. They have an entire exhibit devoted to revealing the damage the lie of evolution has done to nearly every area of society. 

We can't wait to come back when our crew is a little older to let them ask all the Q's they want about the authority of Scripture, and how science aligns with the Bible!

 It was fun to take our daughter Eden Grace through the Garden of Eden! The sounds and visual effects as you take a self-guided tour are incredible.

I think the best part of the Creation Museum is the fact that you cannot walk through the exhibits without hearing, seeing, and reading about the origins of Earth; the creation of man, animals, and every living thing we see. 

When Adam & Eve chose their way over God's way; the Fall & corruption that followed and our desperate need for a Savior are clearly presented. 

Anyone who visits the Museum is faced with the reality that they have to choose. To have knowledge of the existence of God is not enough (even demons believe in God and tremble, but they don't have a saving faith). To do nothing, is to choose Satan's side: the side of death, confusion, pain and suffering and ultimately spending eternity in Hell. 

That's why He sent Jesus; to shed His perfect blood to cover our sins so that when God looks on us in our humanity, He doesn't see our sinfull pride & corruption. 

Instead, He sees Jesus: 
Perfect, Holy, Righteous enough to enter into His Presence. 
Praise God for this indescribable Gift!

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