Monday, April 3, 2017

2017 Global Prayer Gathering videos

Luke and I had the privilege to travel to Washington D.C. the beginning of March to attend the International Justice Mission Global Prayer Gathering. 

As promised,  here are a few of the video clips released today from the 2017 GPG! I highlighted a few of our favorite sessions here, and more can be viewed on YouTube.  Obviously,  for security reasons, the breakout prayer room sessions were not recorded,  and the incredible in-person testimonies from rescued victims were edited out of these main sessions. 

IJM Founder Gary Haugen opened by reminding us why it's so important to bring our thanksgiving, praise, and requests to God in prayer corporately.

Abey George, IJM's Director of Church Partnership, delivered a wonderful message of the Church's role in bringing justice to those who cannot speak for themselves, for His glory.

The sessions were broken up by praise and worship: it was a blessing to participate in singing with 2 thousand-plus other brothers and sisters in Christ! This is singer/hymn writer Sarah McCracken. 

We have so much respect for this man! Sean Litton, President of IJM, speaks of the church's role in seeking justice.

Saturday afternoon worship set with Robbie Seay Band. 

This update by Sean Litton celebrates successes in the Phillipines, but also highlights cyber sex trafficking.  
**Please note: the end of this video segment takes on the evils of child sex trafficking: not for younger listeners. **

Many of you heard of the murders of 2 IJM staff members in Kenya last Summer, and their witness in a police abuse case. 
Here IJM Vice President of Africa Operations & former Field Office Director of IJM's Kenya office, Claire Wilkinson, gives an account of the events. 

Memorial song for IJM Kenyan staff.
We loved how IJM continues to stand for justice,  even in the midst of severe opposition around the world.  They didn't sugar-coat their grief,  but they continue to trust in God's unfailing promises and goodness in spite of tragedy.  

In keeping with GPG tradition, Gary Haugen closed the prayer weekend by inviting us all to partake in covenant Communion.  At the end of his remarks,  he lead us in singing the Doxology.

It is always a privilege to be a part of this weekend. The prayer sessions are intense; thankfully there is a focus on praise and worship so the magnitude of the evils of slavery and trafficking don't completely overwhelm us! The fellowship among like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ is so sweet. As we pray and support IJM  as "Freedom Partners" throughout the year, we look forward to coming together for corporate prayer again next year! 

"He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?"

- Micah 6:8

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