I always want to see the end results and do everything in my power to move things along and see the task completed.
Our culture doesn't really wait well for things. We place phone calls, fill out reams of paperwork & if that doesn't achieve our desired goals, hunt for another way to quickly get beyond the waiting time.
There are countless books, articles, & blogs written to the all expectant and sometimes anxious "adoption wait".
Up to this point, we haven't read any of them; believing, as do all of those authors, that the adoption wait is different for everyone.
Our wait has been filled with laughter and joy and of course everyday frustrations brought on by our current busy household. But it's in the quiet moments that our wait seems the longest.
On an early morning walk, in my Bible time, when the children are taking their afternoon nap or have been put to bed; their chatting voices finally slumber off and a relative peace and calm descends in our home. That's when the waiting seems infinite.
That's when I wonder if my arms will ever hold this precious little boy whom we love by pictures only. The desire grows to watch him play Legos with his brothers, create playdough with his sisters, and sit beside us in our row at Church.
We long to watch him grow and flourish in his forever home ... to love him and care for him ... to share him at family gatherings and experience life with him!
This Spring I've been studying Covenant in a Precept Ministries Bible Study. It amazes me to think Abraham waited 20 years to see his promised son Isaac!
As I look at my Mother's Day card created by our sweet blessings, my heart is full with the overwhelming responsibility of loving, caring for, and introducing four precious souls to their Creator. That opportunity, honor, and duty is enough to fill the waiting!
And the more encompassing perspective must be this: we long for our son but is our longing for Christ as tangible? Do we anticipate, prepare for, pray for, hope for Christ's imminent return as much as we long to see the face of this baby boy?
May that be true of our lives... in the waiting.

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